EU - Society & Features

Famiglia cristiana (national weekly, 1 million readers)

Titles and Dates:
Qualities and Defaults of the New EU Citizens / How Much Will Cost the New Europe (n.18 - May 2004)
Eurobabel (n.24 - May 2003)

COSMOPOLITAN EUROPE - Lifestyle and mentality in the new Member States of the EU
- The cost of the EU enalargement - Difficulties of setting up a multilingual administration for the enlarged EU

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il Giornale (national daily, 250.000 readers)

Titles and Dates:
The EU Wants to Spy the Web (31st of May 2002)
Internet, Users Spied and Filed
(5th of December 2001)
EU, War on CyberCrime
(24th of November 2001)
Europe Wants to Track Mobile Phones and Internet Users (19th of May 2001)

IINTERNET AND PRIVACY - Debate on the contradiction between the legislative measures adopted by the EU to fight against cyber-crime and the protection of Internet users privacy

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Famiglia cristiana (national weekly, 1 million readers)
il Giornale (national daily, 250.000 copies)

TItles and Dates:
Euthanaisa, Why Europe Said No (n.19 - May 2002)
European Court: No Euthanaisa for Diane (30th of April 2002)


EUTHANASIA - Debate on the reasons why the assisted death has been refused as an European standard by the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg

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