Kosovo - Corruption / Islamic Radicalism

il Sole24Ore (national daily, 450.000 readers)
il Venerdi, supplement of la Repubblica (national weekly, 900,000 readers)
Mondiaal Nieuws (national weekly, 100.000 readers)

Titles and Dates:
Eight Years of Scandals in the UN Shadow ( n.159 - 10th of June 2007)

Kosovo: UN Leaves, Scandals Stay Longer (n.1047 - 11 aprile 2008)

Cover-Up Kosovo (June 2008)

KOSOVO - The long history of financial scandals , corruption, collusion between UN officials and locals in the mismanagement of international funds. Names, amounts of money and circumstances of the main scandals disclosed since 2000 until now.

> click on the media to see the website
> click on the side page to enlarge

Panorama (national weekly, 200.000 readers)

Titles and Dates:
Enclave of Dirty Business
n.10 - 8th of March 2007)

KOSOVO - Ties between politics and corruption in the provisional government of the Serbian province

> click on the media to see the website
> click on the side page to enlarge

Media: il Venerdi, supplement of la Repubblica (national weekly, 900,000 readers)

Titles and Dates:
The Jihadist Fighers Show Up
(n.993 – 30th of March 2007)

KOSOVO - Ties between the infiltration of the islamic fundamentalism and the cover-up role played by the network of Muslim NGOs operating in the Serbian province

> click on the media to see the website
> click on the side and below pages to enlarge